GitHubサーベイ 調査日2023/01/01
- リポジトリ作成日 2022/01/01 – 2022/12/31
- 開発言語 JavaScript
スター (順位) |
リポジトリ名 説明 |
使用言語 | 検索 |
(1位) |
divamgupta/diffusionbee-stable-diffusion-ui [Home Page] Diffusion Bee is the easiest way to run Stable Diffusion locally on your M1 Mac. Comes with a one-click installer. No dependencies or technical knowledge needed. |
JavaScript | [Google] [Qiita] |
(2位) |
alyssaxuu/omni [Home Page] The all-in-one tool to supercharge your productivity ⌨️ |
JavaScript | [Google] [Qiita] |
(3位) |
actualbudget/actual A local-first personal finance system |
JavaScript | [Google] [Qiita] |
(4位) |
benphelps/homepage A highly customizable homepage (or startpage / application dashboard) with Docker and service API integrations. |
JavaScript | [Google] [Qiita] |
(5位) |
cmdr2/stable-diffusion-ui [Home Page] Easiest 1-click way to install and use Stable Diffusion on your own computer. Provides a browser UI for generating images from text prompts and images. Just enter your text prompt, and see the generated image. |
JavaScript | [Google] [Qiita] |
(6位) |
midudev/preguntas-entrevista-react [Home Page] Preguntas típicas sobre React para entrevistas de trabajo ⚛️ |
JavaScript | [Google] [Qiita] |
(7位) |
vincelwt/chatgpt-mac [Home Page] ChatGPT for Mac, living in your menubar. |
JavaScript | [Google] [Qiita] |
(8位) |
mrd0x/BITB Browser In The Browser (BITB) Templates |
JavaScript | [Google] [Qiita] |
(9位) |
alyssaxuu/motionity [Home Page] The web-based motion graphics editor for everyone ? |
JavaScript | [Google] [Qiita] |
(10位) |
adrianhajdin/project_syncfusion_dashboard [Home Page] This is a code repository for the corresponding YouTube video. In this tutorial we are going to build and deploy a an admin dashboard app using React.js and Syncfusion |
JavaScript | [Google] [Qiita] |
(11位) |
leeoniya/uFuzzy A tiny, efficient fuzzy search that doesn’t suck |
JavaScript | [Google] [Qiita] |
(12位) |
codeSTACKr/minter-dapp – |
JavaScript | [Google] [Qiita] |
(13位) |
toss/slash [Home Page] A collection of TypeScript/JavaScript packages to build high-quality web services. |
JavaScript | [Google] [Qiita] |
(14位) |
CleverProgrammers/JavaScript-Course-by-Clever-Programmer- This is a full JavaScript course by Clever Programmer |
JavaScript | [Google] [Qiita] |
(15位) |
OhMyGuus/I-Still-Dont-Care-About-Cookies Debloated fork of the extension "I don’t care about cookies" |
JavaScript | [Google] [Qiita] |
(16位) |
reisxd/revanced-builder A NodeJS ReVanced builder |
JavaScript | [Google] [Qiita] |
(17位) |
iaddis/metalnes Transistor level NES simulation |
JavaScript | [Google] [Qiita] |
(18位) |
xianfei/SysMocap A real-time motion capture system for 3D virtual character animating. |
JavaScript | [Google] [Qiita] |
(19位) |
itorr/sakana [Home Page] ?「Sakana!」石蒜模拟器 |
JavaScript | [Google] [Qiita] |
(20位) |
aleixrodriala/wa-tunnel Tunneling Internet traffic over Whatsapp |
JavaScript | [Google] [Qiita] |
(21位) |
antfu/vscode-file-nesting-config Config of File Nesting for VS Code |
JavaScript | [Google] [Qiita] |
(22位) |
sw-yx/ai-notes [Home Page] notes for my AI studies, writing, and product brainstorming |
JavaScript | [Google] [Qiita] |
(23位) |
BetaSu/fe-hunter 每天一道题,3个月后,你就是面试小能手,答题还能赚钱哦 |
JavaScript | [Google] [Qiita] |
(24位) |
KingRan/KR – |
JavaScript | [Google] [Qiita] |
(25位) |
MuhammedKalkan/OpenLens OpenLens Binary Build Repository |
JavaScript | [Google] [Qiita] |
(26位) |
cleanlock/VideoAdBlockForTwitch Blocks Ads on |
JavaScript | [Google] [Qiita] |
(27位) |
adrianhajdin/project_professional_portfolio This is a code repository for the corresponding YouTube video. In this tutorial we are going to build and deploy a real time chat application. Covered topics: React.js, SCSS, Framer Motion, Sanity |
JavaScript | [Google] [Qiita] |
(28位) |
studio-freight/lenis [Home Page] How smooth scroll should be |
JavaScript | [Google] [Qiita] |
(29位) |
mito-ds/monorepo [Home Page] The mitosheet package,, and other public Mito code. |
JavaScript | [Google] [Qiita] |
(30位) |
Nerver4Ever/SevenSha1UIAdvancedHelper 转存助手ui优化版 |
JavaScript | [Google] [Qiita] |
(31位) |
adrianhajdin/ecommerce_sanity_stripe Modern Full Stack ECommerce Application with Stripe |
JavaScript | [Google] [Qiita] |
(32位) |
actualbudget/actual-server Actual’s server |
JavaScript | [Google] [Qiita] |
(33位) |
itorr/china-ex [Home Page] ??「中国制霸生成器」中国三十四省份制霸标记工具 |
JavaScript | [Google] [Qiita] |
(34位) |
horizon-ui/horizon-ui-chakra [Home Page] Horizon UI JavaScript / The most trendiest & innovative Open Source Admin Template for Chakra UI & React! |
JavaScript | [Google] [Qiita] |
(35位) |
ErickWendel/semana-javascript-expert06 JS Expert 6.0 Week Classes – Spotify Radio |
JavaScript | [Google] [Qiita] |
(36位) |
parvardegr/sharing Sharing is a command-line tool to share directories and files from the CLI to iOS and Android devices without the need of an extra client app |
JavaScript | [Google] [Qiita] |
(37位) |
dmarman/sha256algorithm Sha256 Algorithm Explained |
JavaScript | [Google] [Qiita] |
(38位) |
adrianhajdin/project_hoobank [Home Page] Modern UI/UX website using React.js & Tailwind CSS |
JavaScript | [Google] [Qiita] |
(39位) |
nopecha-ai/nopecha-extension [Home Page] Automatically solve reCAPTCHA, hCaptcha, FunCAPTCHA, AWS CAPTCHA, and text-based CAPTCHA with a browser extension. |
JavaScript | [Google] [Qiita] |
(40位) |
htmlstreamofficial/preline [Home Page] Preline UI is an open-source set of prebuilt UI components based on the utility-first Tailwind CSS framework. |
JavaScript | [Google] [Qiita] |
(41位) |
vshymanskyy/StandWithUkraine [Home Page] StandWithUkraine support materials |
JavaScript | [Google] [Qiita] |
(42位) |
wseagar/eight-dollars A browser extension that shows twitter blue vs real verified users |
JavaScript | [Google] [Qiita] |
(43位) |
91p2022/91 91porn 解锁91pornVIP Authorize anyone to distribute for non-profit 授权任何人非盈利分发 |
JavaScript | [Google] [Qiita] |
(44位) |
digitallyinduced/thin-backend [Home Page] ? Thin Backend is a Blazing Fast, Universal Web App Backend for Making Realtime Single Page Apps |
JavaScript | [Google] [Qiita] |
(45位) |
nopecha-ai/nopecha-nodejs [Home Page] Automatically solve reCAPTCHA, hCaptcha, FunCAPTCHA, AWS CAPTCHA, and text-based CAPTCHA in Node.js. |
JavaScript | [Google] [Qiita] |
(46位) |
pulsar-edit/pulsar [Home Page] A Community-led Hyper-Hackable Text Editor |
JavaScript | [Google] [Qiita] |
(47位) |
11ty/webc Single File Web Components |
JavaScript | [Google] [Qiita] |
(48位) |
JeanJouliaCode/wipeClean – |
JavaScript | [Google] [Qiita] |
(49位) |
easychen/checkchan-dist [Home Page] Check酱:监测网页内容变化,并发送异动到微信。亦支持http status、json和rss监测。配合自架云端,关电脑后也能运行。 |
JavaScript | [Google] [Qiita] |
(50位) |
WTFAcademy/WTF-Ethers 我最近在重新学ethers.js,巩固一下细节,也写一个“WTF Ethers.js极简入门”,供小白们使用,每周更新1-3讲。 |
JavaScript | [Google] [Qiita] |
(51位) |
honzaap/GithubCity [Home Page] Create a 3D city from your GitHub contributions ? |
JavaScript | [Google] [Qiita] |
(52位) |
openshiporg/openship [Home Page] multi-channel fulfillment at scale |
JavaScript | [Google] [Qiita] |
(53位) |
kkoomen/pointless An endless drawing canvas desktop app made with Tauri (Rust) and React ? ✍️ |
JavaScript | [Google] [Qiita] |
(54位) |
WordPress/wordpress-playground [Home Page] Run WordPress in the browser thanks to WebAssembly magic |
JavaScript | [Google] [Qiita] |
(55位) |
wangxinleo/wechat-public-account-push 微信公众号推送-给女朋友的浪漫 |
JavaScript | [Google] [Qiita] |
(56位) |
judygab/web-dev-projects Projects repo for tutorials for my YouTube Channel |
JavaScript | [Google] [Qiita] |
(57位) |
UxxHans/Rainbow-Cats-Personal-WeChat-MiniProgram 给女朋友做的微信小程序!情侣自己的任务和商城系统! |
JavaScript | [Google] [Qiita] |
(58位) |
yyx990803/vite-vs-next-turbo-hmr Benchmarking Vite vs. Next + turbopack HMR performance |
JavaScript | [Google] [Qiita] |
(59位) |
gragland/chatgpt-chrome-extension A ChatGPT Chrome extension. Integrates ChatGPT into every text box on the internet. |
JavaScript | [Google] [Qiita] |
(60位) |
yoimiya-kokomi/miao-plugin Miao-Plugin for Yunzai-Bot |
JavaScript | [Google] [Qiita] |
(61位) |
fastify/fastify-dx A Full Stack Framework based on Fastify and Vite. Built for great developer experience without compromising on performance and stability. |
JavaScript | [Google] [Qiita] |
(62位) |
adrianhajdin/project_modern_ui_ux_restaurant This is a code repository for the corresponding video tutorial. In this video, we’re going to build a Modern UI/UX Restaurant Landing Page Website |
JavaScript | [Google] [Qiita] |
(63位) |
alura-challenges/aluracord-matrix – |
JavaScript | [Google] [Qiita] |
(64位) |
eryajf/HowToStartOpenSource [Home Page] ⚗️ GitHub开源项目维护协作指南 |
JavaScript | [Google] [Qiita] |
(65位) |
RioChndr/jaksel-language Jaksel Script, Programming language very modern and Indonesian style |
JavaScript | [Google] [Qiita] |
(66位) |
zkqiang/hangzhou-house-guide [Home Page] 2022年杭州购房指南,根据个人多年购房选房经历,总结而成的一篇买房攻略,涉及新房摇号和二手房选购,包含大量杭州城市规划资料。 |
JavaScript | [Google] [Qiita] |
(67位) |
leafTheFish/DeathNote – |
JavaScript | [Google] [Qiita] |
(68位) |
StaZhu/enable-chromium-hevc-hardware-decoding A guide that teach you enable hardware HEVC decoding & encoding for Chrome / Edge, or build a custom version of Chromium / Electron that supports hardware & software HEVC decoding and hardware HEVC encoding. |
JavaScript | [Google] [Qiita] |
(69位) |
csmsapp/ [Home Page] 计算机硕士出国申请 / CS Masters Application |
JavaScript | [Google] [Qiita] |
(70位) |
thevahidal/soul ? A SQLite REST and realtime server |
JavaScript | [Google] [Qiita] |
(71位) |
hyperai/tvm-cn [Home Page] TVM Documentation in Chinese Simplified / TVM 中文文档 |
JavaScript | [Google] [Qiita] |
(72位) |
oldwinter/knowledge-garden [Home Page] 我的第二大脑 second brain,我的数字花园 digital garden,用obsidian双链笔记软件写作而成 |
JavaScript | [Google] [Qiita] |
(73位) |
serverless-stack/open-next [Home Page] Open source Next.js serverless adapter |
JavaScript | [Google] [Qiita] |
(74位) |
platformatic/platformatic [Home Page] Platformatic Open Source monorepo! |
JavaScript | [Google] [Qiita] |
(75位) |
Cryptogenic/PS5-IPV6-Kernel-Exploit An experimental webkit-based kernel exploit (Arb. R/W) for the PS5 on <= 4.51FW |
JavaScript | [Google] [Qiita] |
(76位) |
qunash/chatgpt-advanced A browser extension that augments your ChatGPT prompts with web results. |
JavaScript | [Google] [Qiita] |
(77位) |
DualSubs/DualSubs 流媒体平台字幕增强及双语模块 |
JavaScript | [Google] [Qiita] |
(78位) |
Rabbit-Spec/Surge Surge自用配置以及模块和脚本 |
JavaScript | [Google] [Qiita] |
(79位) |
uappkit/uapp uapp 是一个方便 uniapp 离线打包的脚手架工具,类似 cordova, expo, Taro 等项目cli的作用。uapp还包含 uapp-android, uapp-ios 两个平台的模板代码。 |
JavaScript | [Google] [Qiita] |
(80位) |
graynjo/Heimdallr 一款完全被动监听的谷歌插件,用于高危指纹识别、蜜罐特征告警和拦截、机器特征对抗 |
JavaScript | [Google] [Qiita] |
(81位) |
btholt/complete-intro-to-react-v7 [Home Page] The Complete Intro to React v7 and Intermediate React v4 as taught on Frontend Masters |
JavaScript | [Google] [Qiita] |
(82位) |
ShirasawaSama/CefDetectorX 【升级版-Electron】Check how many CEFs are on your computer. 检测你电脑上有几个CEF. |
JavaScript | [Google] [Qiita] |
(83位) |
bramses/bramses-highly-opinionated-vault-2023 A highly opinionated, fully featured Obsidian vault that can get you from Zero to Zettelkasten lickety split! |
JavaScript | [Google] [Qiita] |
(84位) |
VideoTogether/VideoTogether [Home Page] Watch video together on every platforms / 一起看视频,兼容所有平台 |
JavaScript | [Google] [Qiita] |
(85位) |
tanshuai/alphabiz [Home Page] Web3 ecosystem – enable developers to build fully decentralized media platform and blockchain-based marketplace |
JavaScript | [Google] [Qiita] |
(86位) |
neptune-mutual-blue/ [Home Page] ? An open source interface for the Neptune Mutual App |
JavaScript | [Google] [Qiita] |
(87位) |
ehmicky/modern-errors Handle errors in a simple, stable, consistent way |
JavaScript | [Google] [Qiita] |
(88位) |
sondnpt00343/tiktok-ui Tiktok Clone, dự án thực hành trong khóa ReactJS tại F8: |
JavaScript | [Google] [Qiita] |
(89位) |
openai/openai-quickstart-node [Home Page] Node.js example app from the OpenAI API quickstart tutorial |
JavaScript | [Google] [Qiita] |
(90位) |
jamiebuilds/tailwindcss-animate A Tailwind CSS plugin for creating beautiful animations |
JavaScript | [Google] [Qiita] |
(91位) |
wuba/Antenna Antenna是58同城安全团队打造的一款辅助安全从业人员验证网络中多种漏洞是否存在以及可利用性的工具。其基于带外应用安全测试(OAST)通过任务的形式,将不同漏洞场景检测能力通过插件的形式进行集合,通过与目标进行out-bind的数据通信方式进行辅助检测。 |
JavaScript | [Google] [Qiita] |
(92位) |
AlexeyBoiko/DgrmJS [Home Page] DgrmJS is a JavaScript library for creating SVG flow diagrams. The main goal of the library is to set up workflows in BPM (Business Process Management) systems. Works on desktop and mobile, has no dependency, 3.5 KB gzipped. |
JavaScript | [Google] [Qiita] |
(93位) |
diego3g/video-to-reels Automatically edit videos to post on Instagram Reels |
JavaScript | [Google] [Qiita] |
(94位) |
zehfernandes/wordnote A simple and elegant notebook to write new words and discover their meanings and synonyms |
JavaScript | [Google] [Qiita] |
(95位) |
wooorm/starry-night Syntax highlighting, like GitHub |
JavaScript | [Google] [Qiita] |
(96位) |
itorr/eva-title [Home Page] ?「福音战士标题生成器」 Evangelion Title Card Generator |
JavaScript | [Google] [Qiita] |
(97位) |
adrianhajdin/project_fitness_app – |
JavaScript | [Google] [Qiita] |
(98位) |
chaos-zhu/easynode [Home Page] 一个简易的个人Linux服务器管理面板(webSSH&webSFTP) |
JavaScript | [Google] [Qiita] |
(99位) |
zclzone/vue-naive-admin [Home Page] ⚡️基于 Vue3 + Vite3 + Pinia + Unocss + Naive UI 的轻量级后台管理模板。 |
JavaScript | [Google] [Qiita] |
(100位) |
admin360bug/upload-labs 原始靶场环境: 此项目原始靶场环境的开普勒安全团队修改版,重新使用PHP7编写,并且保留了原版的风味! |
JavaScript | [Google] [Qiita] |