GitHubサーベイ 調査日2023/01/01
- リポジトリ作成日 2022/01/01 – 2022/12/31
- 開発言語 TypeScript
スター (順位) |
リポジトリ名 説明 |
使用言語 | 検索 |
(1位) |
AykutSarac/ [Home Page] ? Seamlessly visualize your JSON data instantly into graphs; paste, import or fetch! |
TypeScript | [Google] [Qiita] |
(2位) |
t3-oss/create-t3-app [Home Page] The best way to start a full-stack, typesafe Next.js app |
TypeScript | [Google] [Qiita] |
(3位) |
lensterxyz/lenster [Home Page] Lenster is a decentralized, and permissionless social media app built with Lens Protocol ? |
TypeScript | [Google] [Qiita] |
(4位) |
toeverything/AFFiNE [Home Page] There can be more than Notion and Miro. AFFiNE is a next-gen knowledge base that brings planning, sorting and creating all together. Privacy first, open-source, customizable and ready to use. |
TypeScript | [Google] [Qiita] |
(5位) |
faker-js/faker [Home Page] Generate massive amounts of fake data in the browser and node.js |
TypeScript | [Google] [Qiita] |
(6位) |
upscayl/upscayl [Home Page] ? Upscayl – Free and Open Source AI Image Upscaler for Linux, MacOS and Windows built with Linux-First philosophy. |
TypeScript | [Google] [Qiita] |
(7位) |
triggerdotdev/jsonhero-web [Home Page] JSON Hero is an open-source, beautiful JSON explorer for the web that lets you browse, search and navigate your JSON files at speed. ? |
TypeScript | [Google] [Qiita] |
(8位) |
total-typescript/beginners-typescript-tutorial [Home Page] An interactive TypeScript tutorial for beginners |
TypeScript | [Google] [Qiita] |
(9位) |
vercel/satori [Home Page] Enlightened library to convert HTML and CSS to SVG |
TypeScript | [Google] [Qiita] |
(10位) |
formkit/auto-animate [Home Page] A zero-config, drop-in animation utility that adds smooth transitions to your web app. You can use it with React, Vue, or any other JavaScript application. |
TypeScript | [Google] [Qiita] |
(11位) |
markdoc/markdoc [Home Page] A powerful, flexible, Markdown-based authoring framework. |
TypeScript | [Google] [Qiita] |
(12位) |
tremorlabs/tremor [Home Page] The react library to build dashboards fast. |
TypeScript | [Google] [Qiita] |
(13位) |
LyraSearch/lyra [Home Page] ? Fast, in-memory, typo-tolerant, full-text search engine written in TypeScript. |
TypeScript | [Google] [Qiita] |
(14位) |
fuergaosi233/wechat-chatgpt Use ChatGPT On Wechat via wechaty |
TypeScript | [Google] [Qiita] |
(15位) |
meienberger/runtipi ⛺️ Tipi is a homeserver for everyone! One command setup, one click installs for your favorites self-hosted apps. ✨ |
TypeScript | [Google] [Qiita] |
(16位) |
PlasmoHQ/plasmo [Home Page] ? The Browser Extension Framework |
TypeScript | [Google] [Qiita] |
(17位) |
pacocoursey/cmdk [Home Page] Fast, unstyled command menu React component. |
TypeScript | [Google] [Qiita] |
(18位) |
steven-tey/dub [Home Page] An open-source link shortener with built-in analytics + free custom domains. |
TypeScript | [Google] [Qiita] |
(19位) |
numbersprotocol/nit [Home Page] Git of Web3 assets |
TypeScript | [Google] [Qiita] |
(20位) |
transitive-bullshit/chatgpt-api Node.js client for the unofficial ChatGPT API. ? |
TypeScript | [Google] [Qiita] |
(21位) |
illacloud/illa-builder [Home Page] ?Retool open-source alternative, with low-code UI components and support for multiple data resources. |
TypeScript | [Google] [Qiita] |
(22位) |
massCodeIO/massCode [Home Page] A free and open source code snippets manager for developers |
TypeScript | [Google] [Qiita] |
(23位) |
openblocks-dev/openblocks [Home Page] ? ? ? The Open Source Retool Alternative |
TypeScript | [Google] [Qiita] |
(24位) |
Cveinnt/LiveTerm [Home Page] ? Build terminal styled websites in minutes! |
TypeScript | [Google] [Qiita] |
(25位) |
shadcn/taxonomy [Home Page] An open source application built using the new router, server components and everything new in Next.js 13. |
TypeScript | [Google] [Qiita] |
(26位) |
facebook/memlab [Home Page] A framework for finding JavaScript memory leaks and analyzing heap snapshots |
TypeScript | [Google] [Qiita] |
(27位) |
liyupi/mianshiya-public [Home Page] 干净免费的面试刷题网站,帮助大家拿到满意的 offer!? React 前端 + Node 后端 + 云开发全栈项目 by 程序员鱼皮 |
TypeScript | [Google] [Qiita] |
(28位) |
lidangzzz/How-to-run 立党老师的润学(零基础转码/移民/留学/海外创业/永居)笔记 |
TypeScript | [Google] [Qiita] |
(29位) |
sofn-xyz/mailing [Home Page] Build, test, send emails with React |
TypeScript | [Google] [Qiita] |
(30位) |
Tencent/tmagic-editor – |
TypeScript | [Google] [Qiita] |
(31位) |
YunYouJun/cook [Home Page] ? 好的,今天我们来做菜!OK, Let’s Cook! |
TypeScript | [Google] [Qiita] |
(32位) |
sismo-core/sismo-protocol [Home Page] Contracts of the Sismo Attestation Protocol |
TypeScript | [Google] [Qiita] |
(33位) |
ansh/ [Home Page] A Browser Extension for faster reading on ANY website! |
TypeScript | [Google] [Qiita] |
(34位) |
esbuild-kit/tsx ⚡️ TypeScript Execute (tsx): Node.js enhanced with esbuild to run TypeScript & ESM |
TypeScript | [Google] [Qiita] |
(35位) |
zlib-searcher/zlib-searcher search zlib/libgen index to get ipfs_cid. |
TypeScript | [Google] [Qiita] |
(36位) |
ngneat/falso [Home Page] All the Fake Data for All Your Real Needs ? |
TypeScript | [Google] [Qiita] |
(37位) |
Infisical/infisical [Home Page] ♾ Infisical is an open-source, end-to-end encrypted tool to sync environment variables across your team and infrastructure. |
TypeScript | [Google] [Qiita] |
(38位) |
Icalingua-plus-plus/Icalingua-plus-plus A client for QQ and more.:electron: |
TypeScript | [Google] [Qiita] |
(39位) |
fireship-io/flamethrower A blazingly fast router for static sites |
TypeScript | [Google] [Qiita] |
(40位) |
Atri-Labs/atrilabs-engine [Home Page] Full stack web development framework to build Progressive Web Apps (PWA) faster ✨ |
TypeScript | [Google] [Qiita] |
(41位) |
cwackerfuss/react-wordle [Home Page] A fun Wordle clone made using React, Typescript, and Tailwind |
TypeScript | [Google] [Qiita] |
(42位) |
lenstube-xyz/lenstube [Home Page] Decentralized video-sharing social media platform, built using Lens protocol. ? |
TypeScript | [Google] [Qiita] |
(43位) |
mpociot/chatgpt-vscode A VSCode extension that allows you to use ChatGPT |
TypeScript | [Google] [Qiita] |
(44位) |
vercel/platforms [Home Page] A template for site builders and low-code tools. |
TypeScript | [Google] [Qiita] |
(45位) |
lingo3d/lingo3d Lingo3D is a web-first 3d game development library with React and Vue integration. |
TypeScript | [Google] [Qiita] |
(46位) |
zenorocha/react-email [Home Page] ? Build and send emails using React |
TypeScript | [Google] [Qiita] |
(47位) |
windingwind/zotero-pdf-translate PDF translation add-on for Zotero 6 |
TypeScript | [Google] [Qiita] |
(48位) |
cisagov/RedEye RedEye is a visual analytic tool supporting Red & Blue Team operations |
TypeScript | [Google] [Qiita] |
(49位) |
batnoter/batnoter [Home Page] An open source, markdown-based, self-hosted note taking webapp. |
TypeScript | [Google] [Qiita] |
(50位) |
histoire-dev/histoire [Home Page] ⚡ Fast and beautiful interactive component playgrounds, powered by Vite |
TypeScript | [Google] [Qiita] |
(51位) |
nvh95/jest-preview [Home Page] Debug your Jest tests. Effortlessly.?? |
TypeScript | [Google] [Qiita] |
(52位) |
samchon/typia Super-fast Runtime validator (type checker) with only one line |
TypeScript | [Google] [Qiita] |
(53位) |
containers/podman-desktop [Home Page] Podman Desktop – A graphical tool for developing on containers and Kubernetes |
TypeScript | [Google] [Qiita] |
(54位) |
mattpocock/ts-error-translator [Home Page] VSCode extension to turn TypeScript errors into plain English |
TypeScript | [Google] [Qiita] |
(55位) |
koishijs/novelai-bot [Home Page] Generate images by NovelAI / 基于 NovelAI 的画图机器人 |
TypeScript | [Google] [Qiita] |
(56位) |
cloudscape-design/components [Home Page] React components for Cloudscape Design System |
TypeScript | [Google] [Qiita] |
(57位) |
riffusion/riffusion-app [Home Page] Stable diffusion for real-time music generation (web app) |
TypeScript | [Google] [Qiita] |
(58位) |
piitaya/lovelace-mushroom Mushroom Cards – Build a beautiful dashboard easily ? |
TypeScript | [Google] [Qiita] |
(59位) |
Tencent/wujie [Home Page] 极致的微前端框架 |
TypeScript | [Google] [Qiita] |
(60位) |
ronami/HypeScript ? A simplified implementation of TypeScript’s type system written in TypeScript’s type system |
TypeScript | [Google] [Qiita] |
(61位) |
webfansplz/vuejs-challenges [Home Page] Collection of Vue.js challenges |
TypeScript | [Google] [Qiita] |
(62位) |
joe-bell/cva [Home Page] Class Variance Authority |
TypeScript | [Google] [Qiita] |
(63位) |
apitable/apitable [Home Page] ??? APITable, an API-oriented low-code platform for building collaborative apps and better than all other Airtable open-source alternatives. [WIP] |
TypeScript | [Google] [Qiita] |
(64位) |
lens-protocol/core [Home Page] The Lens Protocol |
TypeScript | [Google] [Qiita] |
(65位) |
infracost/vscode-infracost [Home Page] See cost estimates for Terraform right in your editor?? |
TypeScript | [Google] [Qiita] |
(66位) |
liyupi/yuindex [Home Page] ✨ 新项目 – 极客范儿的浏览器主页 ? Vue 3 + Node.js 全栈项目,自实现 web 终端 + 命令系统 |
TypeScript | [Google] [Qiita] |
(67位) |
ruilisi/fortune-sheet [Home Page] A drop-in javascript spreadsheet library that provides rich features like Excel and Google Sheets |
TypeScript | [Google] [Qiita] |
(68位) |
ajnart/homarr [Home Page] Customizable browser’s home page to interact with your homeserver’s Docker containers (e.g. Sonarr/Radarr) |
TypeScript | [Google] [Qiita] |
(69位) |
marklawlor/nativewind [Home Page] React Native utility-first universal design system – powered by Tailwind CSS |
TypeScript | [Google] [Qiita] |
(70位) |
preactjs/signals [Home Page] Manage state with style in every framework |
TypeScript | [Google] [Qiita] |
(71位) |
danielroe/magic-regexp [Home Page] A compiled-away, type-safe, readable RegExp alternative |
TypeScript | [Google] [Qiita] |
(72位) |
liyupi/yulegeyu [Home Page] 羊了个羊纯前端实现版【鱼了个鱼】,自定义关卡+图案+无限道具,可在线玩: |
TypeScript | [Google] [Qiita] |
(73位) |
SteamDeckHomebrew/decky-loader [Home Page] A plugin loader for the Steam Deck |
TypeScript | [Google] [Qiita] |
(74位) |
antfu/vue-starport [Home Page] ? Shared component across routes with animations |
TypeScript | [Google] [Qiita] |
(75位) |
layerhub-io/react-design-editor [Home Page] Image, Presentation and Video editor. React design editor using fabric.js. Canva clone |
TypeScript | [Google] [Qiita] |
(76位) |
ericclemmons/click-to-component Option+Click React components in your browser to instantly open the source in VS Code |
TypeScript | [Google] [Qiita] |
(77位) |
ospfranco/sol MacOS launcher & command palette |
TypeScript | [Google] [Qiita] |
(78位) |
avitorio/outstatic [Home Page] Outstatic – A static CMS for Next.js |
TypeScript | [Google] [Qiita] |
(79位) |
alura/techguide [Home Page] TechGuide main repository with the code that guides your tech career! |
TypeScript | [Google] [Qiita] |
(80位) |
hellof2e/quark-design [Home Page] Next generation frontend component library, it can be used in any framework or no framework at the same time.(下一代前端组件库,它可以同时在任意框架或无框架中使用。) |
TypeScript | [Google] [Qiita] |
(81位) |
t3-oss/create-t3-turbo [Home Page] Clean and simple starter repo using the T3 Stack along with Expo React Native |
TypeScript | [Google] [Qiita] |
(82位) |
unjs/nitro [Home Page] ⚗️ Build and deploy universal JavaScript servers |
TypeScript | [Google] [Qiita] |
(83位) |
windingwind/zotero-better-notes Everything about note management. All in Zotero. |
TypeScript | [Google] [Qiita] |
(84位) |
jj811208/watching-you [Home Page] watching-you is a javascript library for building animations that watch anything on DOM ?. |
TypeScript | [Google] [Qiita] |
(85位) |
ballerine-io/ballerine [Home Page] Ballerine is an open-source infrastructure for user identity, KYC, and risk management |
TypeScript | [Google] [Qiita] |
(86位) |
shinework/photoshot [Home Page] An open-source AI avatar generator web app |
TypeScript | [Google] [Qiita] |
(87位) |
fantasticit/think [Home Page] 云策文档是一款开源知识管理工具。通过独立的知识库空间,结构化地组织在线协作文档,实现知识的积累与沉淀,促进知识的复用与流通。 |
TypeScript | [Google] [Qiita] |
(88位) |
ferdium/ferdium-app [Home Page] All your services in one place, built by the community |
TypeScript | [Google] [Qiita] |
(89位) |
AutumnWhj/ChatGPT-wechat-bot ChatGPT for wechat |
TypeScript | [Google] [Qiita] |
(90位) |
duckdegen/apebot – |
TypeScript | [Google] [Qiita] |
(91位) |
formbricks/formbricks [Home Page] Open Source Forms & Surveys |
TypeScript | [Google] [Qiita] |
(92位) |
malerba118/scrollex [Home Page] Build beautiful scroll experiences using minimal code |
TypeScript | [Google] [Qiita] |
(93位) |
ZaneH/piano-trainer [Home Page] Memorize piano scales with ease! A music practice program w/ MIDI support. Consider it an interactive reference manual ? |
TypeScript | [Google] [Qiita] |
(94位) |
nusu/avvvatars [Home Page] Beautifully crafted unique avatar placeholder for your next react project |
TypeScript | [Google] [Qiita] |
(95位) |
Linen-dev/ [Home Page] Google-searchable Slack alternative for Communities |
TypeScript | [Google] [Qiita] |
(96位) |
cybersecsi/HOUDINI [Home Page] Hundreds of Offensive and Useful Docker Images for Network Intrusion. The name says it all. |
TypeScript | [Google] [Qiita] |
(97位) |
metlo-labs/metlo [Home Page] Metlo is an open-source API security platform. |
TypeScript | [Google] [Qiita] |
(98位) |
total-typescript/typescript-generics-workshop [Home Page] Interactive tutorial on using generics in TypeScript |
TypeScript | [Google] [Qiita] |
(99位) |
Mereithhh/vanblog [Home Page] 一款简洁实用优雅的高性能个人博客系统 |
TypeScript | [Google] [Qiita] |
(100位) |
mantinedev/ [Home Page] Mantine UI website and components |
TypeScript | [Google] [Qiita] |