GitHubサーベイ 調査日2024/01/11
- リポジトリ作成日 2023/01/01 – 2023/12/31
- 開発言語 R
スター (順位) |
リポジトリ名 説明 |
使用言語 | 検索 |
(1位) |
rmcelreath/stat_rethinking_2024 – |
R | [Google] [Qiita] |
(2位) |
gesiscss/awesome-computational-social-science A list of awesome resources for Computational Social Science |
R | [Google] [Qiita] |
(3位) |
jcrodriguez1989/chatgpt Interface to ChatGPT from R |
R | [Google] [Qiita] |
(4位) |
hughjonesd/ggmagnify [Home Page] Create a magnified inset of part of a ggplot object |
R | [Google] [Qiita] |
(5位) |
Veronica0206/nlpsem R package for analyzing nonlinear longitudinal processes in the structural equation modeling framework |
R | [Google] [Qiita] |
(6位) |
HaobinZhou/Get_MR A package for running MR In batches and in parallel quickly |
R | [Google] [Qiita] |
(7位) |
MatthewBJane/ThemePark [Home Page] Fun ggplot themes for popular culture |
R | [Google] [Qiita] |
(8位) |
noriakis/ggkegg [Home Page] Analyzing and visualizing KEGG information using the grammar of graphics |
R | [Google] [Qiita] |
(9位) |
TheEconomist/the-economist-war-fire-model Source code and data for The Economist’s Ukraine war-fire model |
R | [Google] [Qiita] |
(10位) |
RamiKrispin/vscode-r Setting R Development Environment with VScode, Dev Containers, and Docker |
R | [Google] [Qiita] |
(11位) |
BlakeRMills/MoMAColors Color Schemes based around artwork and the Museum of Modern Art. |
R | [Google] [Qiita] |
(12位) |
TongZhou2017/itol.toolkit [Home Page] Helper Functions for Interactive Tree Of Life (iTOL) |
R | [Google] [Qiita] |
(13位) |
grantmcdermott/plot2 [Home Page] Lightweight extension of base R’s plot system |
R | [Google] [Qiita] |
(14位) |
mlverse/chattr [Home Page] – |
R | [Google] [Qiita] |
(15位) |
JosiahParry/valve [Home Page] Redirects your plumbing for you. |
R | [Google] [Qiita] |
(16位) |
etiennebacher/tidypolars [Home Page] Get the power of polars with the syntax of the tidyverse |
R | [Google] [Qiita] |
(17位) |
RamiKrispin/shinylive-r [Home Page] A guide for deploying Shinylive R application into Github Pages |
R | [Google] [Qiita] |